The Day We Fight Back Against Mass Surveillance is February 11th, 2014′

By: wendydavis Tuesday January 28, 2014 2:28 pm

[column grid=”2″ span=”1″]2014-01-10 (08:00-12:00)
Aaron Swartz: The documentary-Teaser


From action page:  

‘In January 2012 we defeated the SOPA and PIPA censorship legislation with the largest Internet protest in history. A year ago this month one of that movement’s leaders, Aaron Swartz, tragically passed away.

Today we face a different threat, one that undermines the Internet, and the notion that any of us live in a genuinely free society: mass surveillance.

If Aaron were alive, he’d be on the front lines, fighting against a world in which governments observe, collect, and analyze our every digital action.

Now, on the anniversary of Aaron’s passing, and in celebration of the win against SOPA and PIPA that he helped make possible, we are planning a day of protest against mass surveillance, to take place this February 11th.

If you’re in the US: Thousands of websites will host banners urging people to call/email Congress. Plans may change, but we intend to ask legislators to oppose the FISA Improvements Act, support the USA Freedom Act, and enact protections for non-Americans.

If you’re not in the US: Visitors will be asked to urge appropriate targets to institute privacy protections.

We’re creating embeddable banners and widgets that you’ll be able to add to your site to encourage visitors to participate in the day of action. The photo above is just a draft – the final design is yet to come.

Sign up here if you have a site that can participate and we’ll let you know how to implement a widget when they’re ready. And if you work at a tech company or startup, lobby the management and ask them to join too.

If you’re not in the US: Visitors will be asked to urge their local representatives to institute privacy protections.’

Further suggestions are: Tell the World (avatar tweaks), social networking graphics,join the conversation on Reddit, and Be Creative.  More background can be found here at EFF’s deeplinks.

The Day We Fight Back on Twitter.

Besides the USA Freedom Act, Shahid Buttar is recommending, as would I:

‘The Surveillance State Repeal Act, introduced in the House by former House intelligence Chairman (and Princeton physics professor) Rush Holt (D-NJ), would come the closest, by repealing the PATRIOT act and the FISA amendments act of 2008 entirely. Among the reform proposals that have been introduced, it may be the only one that reaches the sphere of what former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld described as the “unknown unknowns” that continue to impede efforts to restore the rule of law, transparency, and accountability to the national security state.’

Amy Goodman and friends discuss the film and Aaron’s story here (42 minutes).

And tonight is this year’s version of Theater of the SOTU, we will be hearing another iteration
of wahn-wahn-wahn, andiamapopulistnowandwillgotothematforraisingtheminimumwageand


Zo…if you are so inclined to watchda SOTU bad performance art (gagmewithaspoon):

WASHINGTON, DC — The Green Party invites the public to participate in an online chat during President Obama’s 2014 State of the Union speech on Tuesday, Jan. 28, on the Green Party’s Livestream channel (

The State of the Union broadcast, which begins at 9:00 pm ET, will be aired on the Livestream page. A chat box will for the discussion will be on the screen next to the live State of the Union video.

I’ve been receiving SOTU emails from the White House all week featuring adorable videos designed to cause me to see…er…how virile, inclusive of us, and ready to whip inequalityyour President is.  This one was included without explanation, so I can only conclude that Joe Dolce’s been teaching Obomba to perform his song for us tonight.  Works for me, Mr. President; I reckon you’ll change the  lyrics a li’l bit.

