The Privacy Scorecard report is a tool used to assess and evaluate the privacy practices of organizations and companies. It provides a comprehensive overview of how organizations handle personal data and how they protect the privacy of individuals. The purpose of the Privacy Scorecard report is to give consumers and stakeholder’s information to make informed decisions about the privacy and security of their personal information.
The scope of the report typically covers an organization’s privacy policies, data collection and use practices, and security measures. The privacy scorecard utilizes objective, quantifiable parameters for analyzing the policies and practices of the selected data collectors.

The 2023 Privacy Scorecard Report builds upon the previous review in 2022, taking stock of compliance with data protection and privacy laws, and expands the scope to cover 4 countries with the newest being Mauritius and Zimbabwe. The report reveals privacy gaps exposing a transparency crisis, explores regulators' roles with a total of 48 companies / entities evaluated in 60 sectors, employing an in-depth methodology not only aligned with the specific objectives and functions of Unwanted Witness, but also against 6 indicators to analyse the policies and practices of the selected data collectors and processors.
The 2022 Privacy Scorecard report develops onto the 2021 Privacy Scorecard Report and expands the scope to include Kenya. The methodology adopted in the 2022 report is deeper, focusing on only three sectors of telecommunication, financial services and e-commerce in Uganda and Kenya. The assessment utilizes objective and quantifiable parameters for analyzing the policies and practices of the selected data collectors.
The report aimed to evaluate 32 companies in Uganda to determine their compliance with Uganda's Data Protection and Privacy Act of 2019. The report is an important resource for individuals and organizations interested in understanding the state of privacy and data protection in Uganda. Through this report, the Privacy Symposium Africa hopes to raise awareness about the importance of privacy and encourage companies to prioritize data protection in their operations.