Launched in 2021 with a primary objective of developing cutting-edge digital tools for vulnerable communities in Africa, ODT uses data gathered from research and surveys conducted across the continent to identify the most common challenges faced by these communities. With this information, the program seeks to design technology solutions that can help solve the identified problems.
The ODT program is committed to creating state-of-the-art digital tools that are tailored to meet the unique needs of vulnerable communities in Africa. By leveraging the insights obtained from the research and surveys, the program aims to develop solutions that can address critical issues such as access to healthcare, education, and financial services. Ultimately, the program seeks to empower these communities with the necessary tools to overcome their challenges and improve their quality of life.

Internet blockage and shutdowns such as the introduction of taxes on Over The Top (OTT) services like social media websites have further deepened the exclusion of PWDs from accessing the internet thereby widening the digital divide. Furthermore, the internet shutdown devastates the lives of marginalised groups like PWDs who are already struggling with the high costs of digital gadgets such as phones and assistive tools. The use of computer-assistive technology has given visually impaired people ever-expanding opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Network Disruptions Audio Notifier (NetDAN) is an assistive tool developed for the blind. The assistive tool audibly notifies visually impaired persons and the blind about internet censorship or blockages in the country as well as provide audio guidelines on how to circumvent the internet blockages. The tool can be accessed on the internet by visiting the website or by calling the toll-free number (+256 800 113 269 )


Visually impaired lady using a smartphone at the launch of NeTDAN

Dorothy Mukasa, team leader at Unwanted Witness during the launch of NeTDAN

Chris Kalema, the project lead, giving a speech at the launch of the NetDAN, an assistive tool for the blind

A visually impaired man listening to a text to voice feature of the NetDAN tool

Hon. Asamo Hellen Grace giving a closing remarks at the launch of the NetDAN assistive tool

Mike Nsubuga, the lead software developer at the launch of the NetDAN tool