Masindi, 29th, December 2014; Police in the Mid western Uganda has extended the bond given to the veteran journalist, Jonathan Akweteireho, until 15th, January, 2015.
Jonathan Akweteireho is being accused of inciting violence after running an online petition on his Masindi News Network, MANET, facebook page;
Akweteireho denies any wrong doing, saying he was simply undertaking his civic responsibility of reminding government to deliver on its pledge to the citizens of Masindi. Government has in several budget readings in the past pledged to upgrade Kigumba-Masindi-Kagadi-Kyenjojo road which pledge has never been fulfilled to date. This prompted Akweteireho to mobilize his facebook “friends” to sign on a petition seeking for the parliament’s intervention.
On the 10th, November 2014, Akatweteireho and three other activists were reportedly arrested and detained at Masindi Police and their computer server confiscated. They were later released on police bond.
Following their three consecutive appearances before police, Akweteireho and his colleagues were today granted an extension, as police requested for more time “to conduct further investigations” into their online campaign.
The Unwanted Witness Uganda continues to condemn the continued crack down on online freedoms, as an attack on citizens’ freedom of expression.