
WHO is Unwanted Witness?

The Unwanted Witness is a civil society organization (CSO) that was established to respond to the gap in effective communication using various online expression platforms.

Unwanted Witness was established in 2012 by a group of netizens, bloggers, activists, writers and human rights defenders as an independent, non-partisan and not for profit civil society organization. It seeks to create secure uncensored online platforms for activists, netizens, bloggers, freelance journalists and writers to promote human rights through writing and informing, educating the citizenry who also utilize the platform for strengthening free expression and demand for accountability.

Vision and Mission of Unwanted Witness

The Vision of Unwanted Witness is; creating platforms that guarantee internet/ online freedoms

The mission of Unwanted Witness is; to contribute to good governance through effective and efficient internet/ online activism through networking and strengthening capacities of netizen for collective advocacy and synergy

Objectives of Unwanted Witness

1. To build capacities of journalists, writers and activists through trainings’, research and institutional skills acquisition in human rights;

2. To contribute to entrenchment of effective, and efficient operational environment for enjoyment of human rights through highlighting the challenges facing human rights;

3. To establish and promote initiatives necessary for effective advocacy in human rights through utilizing various media platforms;

4. To encourage close collaboration and networking among human rights activists through opportunity creation, sharing forums and information exchange on human rights;

Statement of Distinction

Unwanted Witness stands out, as an internet/ online based human rights organization in Uganda that seeks to put the power of change in the hands of citizens through the internet and online media to guarantee internet freedoms and improve the human rights situation in the country.

The core business for Unwanted Witness is the protection and defense of digital rights and internet/ online freedoms through highlighting the various human rights abuses. This is done owing to its character: Amplifying voices changing lives

Core Values of Unwanted Witness

Core Values are the fundamental values or ideals at the heart of the Unwanted Witness and these values provide the Unwanted Witness the guidelines of operation; the following comprise of the values of Unwanted Witness Uganda:

1. Equity and Equal Opportunity
2. Integrity
3. Collective Action
4. Commitment and Teamwork
5. Transparency and Accountability
6. Tolerance
7. Efficiency and effectiveness
Summary of Programs at Unwanted Witness

Unwanted Witness has its activities and interventions all concentrated within three key areas, including:

Digital Rights and Internet Freedoms

Includes undertaking advocacy; monitoring, defence and Strategic litigation- on issues concerning internet governance, internet rights and court redress and interpretations on violations of internet freedoms and obtain redress against perpetrators of human rights

Media Tools Every Where

Includes monitoring human right and good governance in Uganda using various media tools to document and share at various expression platforms

Capacity Building of staff, netizen; bloggers; poets; freelance journalists and writers on human rights issues– to enhance the structural/technical capacity of staff, netizen, art activists, bloggers and writers in the area of internet freedoms; human rights, good governance and democracy to effectively champion the full access and utilization of the internet in Uganda;

Research and Information – to advocate for an enabling legal policy and institutional framework underpinning constitutionalism, good governance, rule of law, democracy and respect for internet freedoms and human rights.

HOW Unwanted Witness works?

The Unwanted Witness works and operates mainly through partnerships-providing trainings and facilitating joint internet communication/advocacy interventions.
Conducts and undertakes specific research and investigations to inform advocacy interventions to address the operating environment on specific intervention themes or issues
Works at both national and local levels as well as international to promote linkages and awareness about key issues at all levels.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
